Frequency of ponticulus posticus, sella turcica bridge and clinoid enlargement in cleft lip and palate peruvian patients: A comparative study with non-cleft patients : Frecuencia de Ponticulus Posticus, Puente Selar y Alargamiento Clinoideo en Pacientes Peruanos con Labio y Paladar Fisurado: Un Estudio Comparativo con Pacientes No-Fisurados
Perez, I.E. ;
Chávez, A.K.
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texto impreso
Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2019-02-22T14:55:01Z
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The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of the Ponticulus posticus (PP) in the C1 vertebra and the Sella Turcica Bridge (STB) and Clinoid enlargement (CLEN) variants in two samples of Peruvian cleft lip and palate patients (CLP), determine if there are significant differences between sexes and compare the results with two samples of non-cleft controls. The digital images of the lateral cephalometric radiography of 163 and 150 CLP patients were utilized to determine the frequency of PP and, STBCLEN respectively. The controls were composed of 1056 and 417 radiography of non-cleft patients. The chi-square statistic was utilized to determine if there were significant differences between genres for the CLP patients, and between the CLP and control samples. The confidence level was set at p0.05). The frequency of STB and CLEN in CLP patients was 6% (9 cases) and 8.7% (13 cases) respectively; both of them were more frequent in males and there were no significant differences between sexes and between the CLP and control samples for the STB (p>0.05). The frequency of CLEN was significantly lower (p
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