Información de la editorial
Walter de Gruyter & CO |
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial (11)

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Almost holomorphic embeddings in Grassmannians with applications to singular symplectic submanifolds
In this paper we use Donaldson's approximately holomorphic techniques to build embeddings of a closed symplectic manifold with symplectic form of integer class in the Grassmannians Gr(r, N). We assure that these embeddings are asymptotically hol[...]![]()
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The salt flow through passive membranes, separating two solutions of the same electrolyte but of different concentrations, has been obtained from a method based on the determination of the electric resistance between two fixed points in the more[...]![]()
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Starting from the Nernst-Planck, Navier-Stokes and Poisson equations for the local description of the electrokinetic phenomena in a charged membrane model, we have studied the behaviour of the electroosmotic permeability coefficient. We show tha[...]![]()
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Direct contact membrane distillation process has been studied using microporous polytetrafluoroethylene and polyvinylidene fluoride membranes. The membranes were characterized in terms of their nonwettability, pore size distribution and porosity[...]![]()
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Khayet Souhaimi, Mohamed ; Godino Gómez, María Paz ; Mengual Cabezón, Juan Ignacio | Walter de Gruyter & CO | 2001The physical nature of water flow, in vapour phase, through the pores of a microporous partition has been studied according to the possibilities suggested by the Kinetic Theory of Gases. A method is proposed that permits to decide which is the m[...]![]()
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Hilden, Hugh Michael ; Lozano Imízcoz, María Teresa ; Montesinos Amilibia, José María | Walter de Gruyter & CO | 1992This paper continues earlier work by the authors [see, in particular, H. M. Hilden et al., Invent. Math. 87 (1987), no. 3, 441–456; H. M. Hilden, M. T. Lozano and J. M. Montesinos, in Differential topology (Siegen, 1987), 1–13, Lecture Notes in [...]![]()
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Let M be a real analytic manifold and O(M) its ring of global analytic functions. A global semianalytic subset of M is any set Z of the form Z=? i=0 r {x?M:fi1(x)> 0,?,fis(x)> 0,gi(x)=0}, (1.1), where fij,gi?O(M). This imitates the definitions [...]![]()
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The goal of this article is to study the equations and syzygies of embeddings of rational surfaces and certain Fano varieties. Given a rational surface X and an ample and base-point-free line bundle L on X, we give an optimal numerical criterion[...]![]()
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The streaming potential and the hydraulic permeation were obtained, under different experimental conditions, for a cation-exchange membrane. From the measurements we have determined the phenomenological coefficients, L-ij, that enter the equatio[...]![]()
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Hilden, Hugh Michael ; Lozano Imízcoz, María Teresa ; Montesinos Amilibia, José María | Walter de Gruyter & CO | 1992Continuing their investigation [in Topology '90 (Columbus, OH, 1990), 133–167, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992;] of the problem of how rarely a hyperbolic orbifold is arithmetic, the authors classify the arithmetic figure eight orbifolds: there are exa[...]![]()
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We show that the complexity of semialgebraic sets and mappings can be used to parametrize Nash sets and mappings by Nash families. From this we deduce uniform bounds on the complexity of Nash functions that lead to first-order descriptions of ma[...]