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Elsevier Science |
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial (162)

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We consider a class of simplification algorithms for algebraic and logical expressions which are of systematic use in computer algebra systems. This class is basically characterized by the fact that algorithms operate in a bottom-up recursive wa[...]![]()
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Ancochea Bermúdez, José María ; Campoamor Stursberg, Otto Ruttwig ; García Vergnolle, Lucía | Elsevier Science | 2006On montre qu’une algèbre de Lie résoluble rigide réelle n’est pas nécessairement complètement résoluble. On construit un exemple n ? t de dimension minimale dont le tore extérieur t n’est pas formé par des dérivations ad-semi-simples surR. Nous [...]![]()
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In this paper, we consider a discrete-time queue of Geo/Geo/c type with geometric repeated attempts. It is known that its continuous counterpart, namely the M/M/c queue with exponential retrials, is analytically intractable due to the spatial he[...]![]()
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In this paper we deal with the main multiserver retrialqueue of M/M/c type with exponential repeated attempts. This model is known to be analytically intractable due to the spatial heterogeneity of the underlying Markov chain, caused by the retr[...]![]()
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The use of survey plans, which contemplate several tries or call-backs when endeavouring to capture individual data, may supply unarguable information in certain sampling situations with non-ignorable non-response. This paper presents an algorit[...]![]()
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An algorithm which is valid to estimate the parameters of linear models under several robust conditions is presented. With respect to the robust conditions, firstly, the dependent variables may be either non-grouped or grouped. Secondly, the dis[...]![]()
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The paper investigates an extension of Christoffel duality to a certain family of Sturmian words. Given an Christoffel prefix w of length N of an Sturmian word of slope g we associate a N-companion slope g(N)* such that the upper Sturmian word o[...]![]()
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A new family of test statistics for testing linear hypotheses in baseline-category logit models is introduced and its asymptotic distribution is obtained. The new family is a natural extension of the classical likelihood ratio test. A simulation[...]![]()
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We consider multiserver retrial queues in which the time between two successive repeated attempts is independent of the number of customers applying for service. We study a Markovian model where each arriving customer finding any free server eit[...]![]()
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In this paper for a wide class of goodness-of-fit statistics based Ko-divergences, the asymptotic normality is established under the assumption n/m(n) --> a is an element of (0, infinity), where m(n) denotes sample size and Mn the number of cel[...]![]()
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In this paper we prove that given any two disjoint balls in an infinite dimensional complex Banach space, there exists an entire function which is bounded on one and unbounded on the other.![]()
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We present a framework for solving some types of 0-1 multi-stage scheduling/planning problems under uncertainty in the objective function coefficients and the right-hand-side. A scenario analysis scheme with full recourse is used. The solution o[...]![]()
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Piqueras de Noriega, Javier ; Díaz-Guerra Viejo, Carlos ; Vila Santos, María | Elsevier Science | 2013-01-25?-Bi_2O-3 microcrystals and microrods with pyramidal tips have been grown by a vapour–solid method using pure Bi as starting material. The morphology of the obtained microstructures depends on the annealing temperature and time. At 650 °C and fo[...]![]()
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We define (bi)simulations up-to a preorder and show how we can use them to provide a coinductive, (bi)simulation-like, characterisation of semantic (equivalences) preorders for processes. In particular, we can apply our results to all the semant[...]![]()
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García Ferrero, María Ángeles ; Gómez-Ullate Oteiza, David ; Milson, Robert | Elsevier Science | 2019-04-01It was recently conjectured that every system of exceptional orthogonal polynomials is related to a classical orthogonal polynomial system by a sequence of Darboux transformations. In this paper we prove this conjecture, which paves the road to [...]