Información del autor
Autor Montero, Javier |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (291)

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An important topic in using maps derived from a statistical classifier is the accuracy assessment of the classification. Analysts usually need to compare various techniques, algorithms, or different approaches. As pointed out by Stehman and Czap[...]![]()
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Over the last decades, many fuzzy classification algorithms have been proposed for image classification,and in particular to classify those images obtained by remote sensing. But relatively little effort has been done to evaluate goodness or eff[...]![]()
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Recursiveness is a generalization of associativity, initially introduced in order to explain what an Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) rule is. In this paper, additive recursive rules are presented, showing the relevance of some particular OWA re[...]![]()
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An axiomatic treatment of an aggregation problem when the aggregated group is defined as a fuzzy group, was proposed by the author in a previous paper. In the present paper, the fuzzy majority rule is characterized and an impossibility theorem f[...]![]()
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Fuzzy rationality measures represent a particular class of aggregation operators. Following the axiomatic approach developed in [1,3,4,5] rationality of fuzzy preferences may be seen as a fuzzy property of fuzzy preferences. Moreover, several ra[...]![]()
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Very often, decision procedures in a committee compensate potential manipulations by taking into account the ordered profile of qualifications. It is therefore rejected the standard assumption of an underlying associative binary connective allow[...]![]()
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This paper focuses on key issues related to aggregation tools within knowledge acquisition, and in particular for image processing. In particular, it is claimed the need of a number of simultaneous indices in order to evaluate the quality of a f[...]![]()
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En este trabajo se revisan algunos resultados sobre operaciones de agregación para aplicarlos a problemas de decisión multicriterio en ambiente difuso.![]()
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En este trabajo se propone una estructura de álgebra difusa (borrosa) basada en la distinción entre difusidad extensiva y comprehensiva, desarrollando y conectando los trabajos de Nahmias sobre variables difusas, de Klement sobre medibilidad dif[...]![]()
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Diversos estudios se han centrado en analizar amplia y profundamente distintas propiedades de los operadores de agregación. Sin embargo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo en el estudio de propiedades relativas a las Familias de Operadores de Agregación. ¿[...]![]()
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Gröbner bases have been applied to a number of problems related to the verification of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) and other problems within graph theory. In particular, the authors have developed in previous papers algebraic approaches to dec[...]![]()
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The aim of this paper is to expound an original algebraic model for managing information with different degrees of unreliability. This model is conceived as an extension of classical propositional logics in which each propositional formula is as[...]![]()
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In a previous paper, the authors proposed an alternative approach to classical dimension theory, based upon a general