Información del autor
Autor Malyshev, Andrey |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (39)

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Rodriguez, A. ; Martín-Delgado Alcántara, Miguel Ángel ; Rodriguez-Laguna, J. ; Sierra, G. ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Lemaistre, I. J. | Elsevier Science BV | 2001-12The standard one-parameter scaling theory predicts that all eigenstates in two-dimensional random lattices are weakly localized. We show that this claim fails in two-dimensional dipolar Frenkel exciton systems. The linear energy dispersion at th[...]![]()
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Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Rodriguez, A. | American Institute of Physics | 2000-02-08We present results of numerical simulations of optical absorption line shape of Frenkel excitons in two-dimensional disordered lattices. Disorder is generated by Gaussian randomness in the molecular positions. The intersite interaction is consid[...]![]()
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Rodriguez, A. ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Sierra, G. ; Martín-Delgado Alcántara, Miguel Ángel ; Rodriguez-Laguna, J. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2003-01-17The single-parameter scaling hypothesis predicts the absence of delocalized states for noninteracting quasiparticles in low-dimensional disordered systems. We show analytically, using a supersymmetric method combined with a renormalization group[...]![]()
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Díaz García, Elena ; Rodriguez, A. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Malyshev, Andrey | EDP Sciences | 2005-12Optical spectroscopy usually fails in detecting localization-delocalization (Anderson) transitions. We report on an anomalous behavior of the absorption spectrum in a one-dimensional lattice with long-range correlated diagonal disorder, having a[...]![]()
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Moura, F. A. B. F., de ; Viana, L. P. ; Lyra, M. L. ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | Elsevier | 2008-10-27We study the dynamics of an electron wave-packet in a two-dimensional square lattice with an aperiodic site potential in the presence of an external uniform electric field. The aperiodicity is described by epsilon(m) = V cos(pi alpha m(x)(nu x))[...]![]()
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Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Moura, F. A. B. F., de ; Lyra, M. L. | American Physical Society | 2003-11-07We study the dynamics of an electron subjected to a uniform electric field within a tight-binding model with long-range-correlated diagonal disorder. The random distribution of site energies is assumed to have a power spectrum S(k)similar to1/k([...]![]()
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Moura, F. A. B. F., de ; Lyra, M. L. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Malyshev, Andrey | American Physical Society | 2005-03We study the dynamics of an electron subjected to a static uniform electric field within a one-dimensional tight-binding model with a slowly varying aperiodic potential. The unbiased model is known to support phases of localized and extended one[...]![]()
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Moura, F. A. B. F., de ; Lyra, M. L. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Malyshev, Andrey | IOP Publishing Ltd. | 2007-02-07We study numerically the dynamics of a one-electron wavepacket in a two-dimensional random lattice with long-range correlated diagonal disorder in the presence of a uniform electric field. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation is used for this[...]![]()
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Tkachuk, A. M. ; Razurnova, I. K. ; Mirzaeva, A. A. ; Novikoi, G. E. ; Orlov, O. A. ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Gapontsev4, V. P. | Spie-Int Soc Optical Engineering | 2001An influence of interionic cross relaxation processes (upconversion, selfquenching) on concentration and power dependences of the inverse population of ^4I_(11/2) and ^4I_(13/2) laser levels in YLF:Er crystals under CW laser-diode pumping were s[...]![]()
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We address a two-level system in an environment interacting with an electromagnetic field in the dipole approximation. The resonant optical bistability induced by local-field effects is studied by considering the relationship between the populat[...]![]()
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Saiz-Bretín, Marta ; Munarriz, J. ; Malyshev, Andrey ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | Elsevier | 2015-09-25We study electronic transport in systems comprising square graphene nanorings with a ferromagnetic insulator layer on top of them. The rings are connected symmetrically or asymmetrically to contacts. The proximity exchange interaction of electro[...]![]()
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The intrinsic helix conformation of the DNA strands is known to be the key ingredient of control of the electric current through the molecule by the perpendicular (gate) electric field. We show theoretically that Bloch oscillations in periodic s[...]![]()
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The combination of self-assembly and electronic properties as well as its true nanoscale dimensions make DNA a promising candidate for a building block of single molecule electronics. We argue that the intrinsic double helix conformation of the [...]![]()
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Malyshev, Andrey ; Díaz García, Elena ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | IOP Publishing Ltd. | 2009-08-19We present a theoretical analysis of the effects of the environment on charge transport in double-stranded synthetic poly(G)-poly(C) DNA molecules attached to two ideal leads. Coupling of the DNA to the environment results in two effects: (i) lo[...]![]()
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We show that optical properties of linear molecular aggregates undergo drastic changes when aggregates are deposited on a metal surface. The dipole-dipole interactions of monomers with their images can result in strong re-structuring of both the[...]