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American Physical Society |
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Barba, J. C: ; Finkel Morgenstern, Federico ; González López, Artemio ; Rodríguez González, Miguel Ángel | American Physical Society | 2009-10In this paper, we show that there is a family of well-known integrable systems whose spectral fluctuations decay as 1/ f^ 4, and thus do not follow the 1/ f ^2 law recently conjectured for integrable systems. We present a simple theoretical just[...]![]()
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Relaño Pérez, Armando ; Retamosa Granado, Joaquín ; Faleiro, E. ; Molina, R. A. ; Zuker, A. P. | American Physical Society | 2006-02It was recently pointed out that the spectral fluctuations of quantum systems are formally analogous to discrete time series, and therefore their structure can be characterized by the power spectrum of the signal. Moreover, it is found that the [...]![]()
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Relaño Pérez, Armando ; Molina, R. A. ; Retamosa Granado, Joaquín | American Physical Society | 2004-07We show that the spectral fluctuations of the two-body random ensemble exhibit 1/f noise. This result supports a recent conjecture stating that chaotic quantum systems are characterized by 1/f noise in their energy level fluctuations. After suit[...]![]()
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Relaño Pérez, Armando ; Gómez Gómez, José María ; Retamosa Granado, Joaquín ; Faleiro, E. ; Salasnich, L. ; Vranicar, M. ; Robnik, M. | American Physical Society | 2005-03-04The power law 1/ƒ^(?) in the power spectrum characterizes the fluctuating observables of many complex natural systems. Considering the energy levels of a quantum system as a discrete time series where the energy plays the role of time, the level[...]![]()
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We study electronic transport properties of disordered polymers in a quasi-one-dimensional model with fully three-dimensional interaction potentials. We consider such quasi-one-dimensional lattices in the presence of both uncorrelated and short-[...]![]()
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The ?^4 theory in 1+d dimensions is analyzed at high temperatures in the imaginary-time formalism. General results are given for the leading high-temperature contributions to all renormalized Careen's functions. The latter are generated by a hig[...]![]()
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Several studies of the decohesion properties of various oxide/metal systems have been performed recently by ab initio calculations. However, the use of different computational methods, which involve diverse approximations, energy functionals, or[...]![]()
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Fraile Prieto, Luis Mario ; Mach, H. ; Paziy, V. ; Olaizola, B. ; Vedia Fernández, María Victoria ; otros, ... | American Physical Society | 2017-05-23Lifetimes of low-lying yrast states in neutron-rich Sr-94,Sr-96,Sr-98 have been measured by Germanium-gated gamma-gamma fast timing with LaBr3(Ce) detectors using the EXILL& FATIMA spectrometer at the Institut Laue-Langevin. Sr fission products [...]![]()
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Díaz García, Elena ; Sedrakyan, A. ; Sedrakyan, D. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2007-01We consider a ladder model of DNA for describing carrier transport in a fully coherent regime through finite segments. A single orbital is associated to each base, and both interstrand and intrastrand overlaps are considered within the nearest-n[...]![]()
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We study how the in8uence of structural correlations in disordered systems manifests itself in experimentally measurable magnitudes, focusing on dc conductance of semiconductor superlattices with general potential pro6les. We show that the exist[...]![]()
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We investigate the dynamics of two interacting electrons confined to a pair of coupled quantum dots driven by an external ac field. By numerically integrating the two-electron Schrödinger equation in time, we find that for certain values of the [...]![]()
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Martínez, Ignacio A. ; Roldán Estébanez, Édgar ; Dinis Vizcaíno, Luis Ignacio ; Petrov, Dimitri ; Rica, Raúl A. | American Physical Society | 2015-03-27The ability to implement adiabatic processes in the mesoscale is of key importance in the study of artificial or biological micro- and nanoengines. Microadiabatic processes have been elusive to experimental implementation due to the difficulty i[...]![]()
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We show that the quasiadiabatic evolution of a system governed by the Dicke Hamiltonian can be described in terms of a self-induced quantum many-body metrological protocol. This effect relies on the sensitivity of the ground state to a small sym[...]![]()
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An alternative derivation of the Pegg-Barnett phase operator is presented. This approach is based on the properties of the representation in quantum mechanics of a nonlinear nonbijective canonical transformation. It does not use as its starting [...]