Información del autor
Autor López Maroto, Antonio |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (100)

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In this work we review briefly the origin and history of the cosmological constant and its recent reincarnation in the form of the dark energy component of the universe. We also comment on the fundamental problems associated to its existence and[...]![]()
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The center of our Galaxy is a complex region characterized by extreme phenomena. The presence of the supermassive Sagittarius A* black hole, a high dark matter density and an even higher baryonic density are able to produce very energetic proces[...]![]()
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We show that vector theories on cosmological scales are excellent candidates for dark energy. We consider two different examples, both are theories with no dimensional parameters nor potential terms, with natural initial conditions in the early [...]![]()
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Cruz Dombriz, Álvaro de la ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | American Physical Society | 2009-12In the context of f(R) theories of gravity, we address the problem of finding static and spherically symmetric black hole solutions. Several aspects of constant curvature solutions with and without electric charge are discussed. We also study th[...]![]()
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Dobado González, Antonio ; Cruz Dombriz, Álvaro de la ; López Maroto, Antonio | IOP publishing ltd | 2010In the context of f(R) gravity theories, the issue of finding static and spherically symmetric black hole solutions is addressed. Two approaches to study the existence of such solutions are considered: first, constant curvature solutions, and s[...]![]()
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We show that, under general assumptions, in six-dimensional brane-world models with compactified large extra dimensions, the energy density of brane oscillations scales as that of cold dark matter and its present value is compatible with observa[...]![]()
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Ruiz Cembranos, José Alberto ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | American Physical Society | 2002-01-15In the context of a brane world and including an induced curvature term in the brane action, we obtain the effective Lagrangian for the Goldstone bosons (branons) associated with the spontaneous breaking of the translational invariance in the bu[...]![]()
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Ruiz Cembranos, José Alberto ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | American Physical Society | 2003-07-20We show that, in the context of brane-world scenarios with low tension [tau]=f^4, massive brane fluctuations (branons) are natural dark matter candidates. We calculate the present abundances for both hot (warm) and cold branons in terms of the b[...]![]()
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Ruiz Cembranos, José Alberto ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd | 2005This is a brief introduction to branon physics and its role in the dark matter problem. We pay special attention to the phenomenological consequences, both in high-energy particle physics experiments and in astrophysical and cosmological observa[...]![]()
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Ruiz Cembranos, José Alberto ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | Amer Physical Soc | 2006-02In the context of brane-world scenarios, we study the effects produced by the exchange of virtual massive branons. A one-loop calculation is performed which generates higher-dimensional operators involving SM fields suppressed by powers of the b[...]![]()
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Ruiz Cembranos, José Alberto ; Dobado González, Antonio ; López Maroto, Antonio | American Physical Society | 2004-11In the context of the brane-world scenarios with compactified extra dimensions, we study the production of brane fluctuations (branons) in hadron colliders (p (p) over bar, pp, and e(+/-)p) in terms of the brane tension parameter f, the branon m[...]![]()
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We consider a supersymmetric model with a single matter supermultiplet in a five-dimensional space-time with orbifold compactification along the fifth dimension. The boundary conditions on the two orbifold planes are chosen in such a way that su[...]![]()
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We confront the predictions of different quintessence models with recent measurements of the luminosity distance from two sets of supernovae type Ia. In particular, we consider the 157 SNe Ia in the Gold dataset with z![]()
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We consider the production of gravitinos and moduli fields from quantum vacuum fluctuations induced by the presence of scalar metric perturbations at the end of inflation. We obtain the corresponding occupation numbers, up to first order in pert[...]