Información del autor
Autor Vidal López, Alejandro |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (8)

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Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal ; Vidal López, Alejandro ; Langa, J.A. ; Robinson, James C. ; Suárez, A. | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 2007The goal of this work is to study the forward dynamics of positive solutions for the nonautonomous logistic equation ut ? _u = _u ? b(t)up, with p > 1, b(t) > 0, for all t 2 R, limt!1 b(t) = 0. While the pullback asymptotic behaviour for this [...]![]()
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Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal ; Vidal López, Alejandro | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 2007We give conditions for the existence of a unique positive complete trajectories for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations. Also, attraction properties of the unique complete trajectory is obtained in a pullback sense and also forward in ti[...]![]()
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The authors find a growth condition on the nonlinear term f(x, u) of a nonlinear heat equation which ensures the existence of maximal and minimal equilibria that bound asymptotically all solutions to that nonlinear heat equation.![]()
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We show the existence of two special equilibria, the extremal ones, for a wide class of reaction–diffusion equations in bounded domains with several boundary conditions, including non-linear ones. They give bounds for the asymptotic dynamics and[...]![]()
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It is known that any periodic orbit of a Lipschitz ordinary differential equation must have period at least 2?/L, where L is the Lipschitz constant of f. In this paper, we prove a similar result for the semilinear evolution equation du/dt=-Au+f[...]![]()
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We analyse the dynamics of the non-autonomous nonlinear reaction–diffusion equation ut ?_u = f (t,x,u), subject to appropriate boundary conditions, proving the existence of two bounding complete trajectories, one maximal and one minimal. Our mai[...]![]()
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In this paper we show that dissipative reaction-diffusion equations in unbounded domains posses extremal semistable ground states equilibria, which bound asymptotically the global dynamics. Uniqueness of such positive ground state and their appr[...]![]()
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En la segunda parte, se estudian problemas no autónomos. Ahora, las soluciones extremales son trayectorias completas (soluciones definidas para todo tiempo) y el concepto de atracción considerado es el de atracción pullback: lo importante es el [...]