Información del autor
Autor Gómez Nicola, Ángel |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (60)

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We review recent advances in the understanding of the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) transition and its nature, paying special attention to the analysis of chiral symmetry restoration within different approaches based on effective theories. After [...]![]()
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Gómez Nicola, Ángel ; Cebollada, F. ; Palomares, F. J. ; Sánchez, N. ; González Herrera, Elvira María ; González, J. M. ; Vicent López, José Luis | American Institute of Physics | 2014-03-10In this work, we improve the ability to tailor the switching mechanism in nanomagnets by introducing an additional, highly controlled source of anisotropy: magnetocrystalline anisotropy. We analyze the vortex dynamics in single crystal Fe nanotr[...]![]()
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We calculate the bulk viscosity of the massive pion gas within unitarized chiral perturbation theory. We obtain a low-temperature peak arising from explicit conformal breaking due to the pion mass and another peak near the critical temperature, [...]![]()
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We consider an interacting pion gas in a stage of the system evolution where thermal but not chemical equilibrium has been reached, i.e., for temperatures between thermal and chemical freeze-out T(ther)![]()
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Rios, G. ; Gómez Nicola, Ángel ; Hanhart, C. ; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón | Amer Inst Physics | 2008We review our recent study of the pion mass dependence of the p and a resonances, generated from one-loop SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). In order to properly account for the Adler zero region, we[...]![]()
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Llanes Estrada, Felipe José ; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón ; Gómez Nicola, Ángel | World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd | 2005We review our recent work on thermal meson proper-ties within the Chiral Perturbation Theory framework. We will focus on the pion electromagnetic form factor, stressing its importance for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. We obtain model-indepe[...]![]()
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We construct the most general low-energy effective lagrangian including local parity violating terms parametrized by an axial chemical potential or chiral imbalance mu (5), up to O mml:mfenced close=")" open="("p4 ml:mfenced> order in the chira[...]![]()
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We present a study of the pi pi scattering amplitude in the sigma and rho channels at finite temperature and nuclear density within a chiral unitary framework. Meson resonances are dynamically generated in our approach, which allows us to analyz[...]![]()
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We review recent results on properties of the meson gas relevant for Heavy Ion Collision and Nuclear Matter experiments, within the framework of chiral lagrangians. In particular, we describe the temperature and density evolution of the sigma an[...]![]()
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We investigate the charged-neutral difference in the pion self-energy at finite temperature T. Within chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) we extend a previous analysis performed in the chiral and soft pion limits. Our analysis with physical pion m[...]![]()
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We analyze chiral restoration within the O(N + 1)/ O(N) nonlinear sigma model for large N as an effective theory for low-energy QCD at finite temperature T. The free energy is constructed diagrammatically to O(TM^3) in the pion mass expansion, w[...]![]()
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Gómez Nicola, Ángel ; Cortés, Santiago ; Morales, John ; Ruiz de Elvira Carrascal, Jacobo ; Torres Andrés, Ricardo | E D P Sciences | 2017We discuss recent advances on QCD chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature, within the theoretical framework of Effective Theories. U(3) Ward Identities are derived between pseudoscalar susceptibilities and quark condensates, allowing t[...]![]()
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We show that in certain limits the (1+1)-dimensional massive Thirring model at finite temperature T is equivalent to a one-dimensional Coulomb gas of charged particles at the same T. This equivalence is then used to explore the phase structure o[...]![]()
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We review our recent one-loop calculation of all the two meson scattering amplitudes within SU(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory, i.e. with pions, kaons and etas. By unitarizing these amplitudes we are able to generate dynamically the lightest reson[...]![]()
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Gómez Nicola, Ángel ; Gilbert, D. A. ; González Herrera, Elvira María ; Liu, Kai ; Vicent López, José Luis | American Institute of Physics | 2013-02-04Hybrid superconducting/magnetic nanostructures on Si substrates have been built with identical physical dimensions but different magnetic configurations. By constructing arrays based on Co-dots with in-plane, out-of-plane, and vortex state magne[...]