Información del autor
Autor Herrero, Miguel A. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (100)

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This paper deals with the Cauchy problem u(t)-u(xx)+u(p)=0; -infinity![]()
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We consider here the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the equation u(t)= u?u - ?|?u|(2) with ? ? R, u ? 0, in a noncylindrical domain in space-time given by |x| ? R(t) = (T - t)(p), with p > 0. By means of matched asymptotic expansion techniqu[...]![]()
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The authors consider the problem ut?div(|?u|p?2?u)=0 in (0,?)×RN, u(x,0)=u0(x). They show that if N?2 and 1![]()
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This paper examines a system first introduced by Keller and Segel in 1970 to model the tendency of slime molds to move towards higher concentrations of a chemical which they themselves secrete. The paper particularly addresses the question of bl[...]![]()
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In this paper the authors study the asymptotic behaviour of solutions u?(x,t) of the Cauchy problems as ? goes to zero: ut???u+up=0, x?RN, t> 0; u(x,0)=u0(x), x?RN, 0![]()
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We consider the Cauchy problem u t -u xx +u p =0,x??,t> 0,u(x,0)=u 0 (x),x??, where 0![]()
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Cappuccio, Antonio ; Herrero, Miguel A. ; Nuñez, Luis | American Association of Physicists in Medicine | 2009-01In tumor radiosurgery, a high dose of radiation is delivered in a single session. The question then naturally arises of selecting an irradiation strategy of high biological efficiency. In this study, the authors propose a mathematical framework [...]![]()
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Consider the Cauchy problem u(t) - u(xx) - F(u) = 0; x is-an-element-of R, t> 0 u(x, 0) = u0(x); x is-an-element-of R where u0 (x) is continuous, nonnegative and bounded, and F(u) = u(p) with p > 1, or F(u) = e(u). Assume that u blows up at x =[...]![]()
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We consider the following nonlinear system of parabolic equations: (1) ut =?u???(u?v), ?vt =?v+u?av for x?B R, t> 0. Here ?,? and a are positive constants and BR is a ball of radius R> 0 in R2. At the boundary of BR, we impose homogeneous Neuma[...]![]()
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We consider the equation (E) u(t) = ?u + u(p) where x ? R(N) (N ? 1), t > 0, p > 1. We show that if N ? 11 and p > N - 2 (N - 1)1/2/(N - 4) - 2(N - 1)1/2 then there exist radial and positive solutions of (E) which blow up at x = 0, t = T![]()
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Let u be a solution of the Cauchy problem ut=uxx+up, x?R, t> 0, u(x,0)=u0(x), x?R, where p> 1 and u0 is continuous, nonnegative, and bounded. Suppose that u blows up at t=T![]()
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The object of this paper is the study of blowing-up phenomena for the initial-boundary value problem (Pa): ut=uxx+?eu for (x,t)?(0,1)×(0,+?), u(0,t)=asin?t and u(1,t)=0 for t?[0,+?), u(x,0)=u0(x) for x?(0,1), where u0(x) is a continuous and boun[...]![]()
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In this work we succintly review the main features of bone formation in vertebrates. Out of the many aspects of this exceedingly complex process, some particular stages are selected for which mathematical modelling appears as both feasible and d[...]![]()
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We consider the semilinear parabolic system (S) { ut-?u=vp ; vt-?v=uq, where x ? R(N) (N ? 1), t > 0, and p, q are positive real numbers. At t=0, nonnegative, continuous, and bounded initial values (u0(x), v0(x)) are prescribed. The correspon[...]![]()
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This work is concerned with the system (S) {u(t)=Delta u-chi del(u del upsilon) for x is an element of Omega, t> 0 Gamma upsilon(t)=Delta upsilon=Delta upsilon+(u-1) for x is an element of Omega, t> 0 where Gamma; chi are positive constants and [...]