Reversible electric-field control of magnetization at oxide interfaces
Nemes, Norbert Marcel ;
Sánchez Santolino, G. ;
Varela del Arco, María ;
Sefrioui, Zouhair ;
León Yebra, Carlos ;
Santamaría Sánchez-Barriga, Jacobo
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Nature Publishers Group, 2014-06-23
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Electricidad
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Electrónica
Tipo = Artículo
Electric-field control of magnetism has remained a major challenge which would greatly impact data storage technology. Although progress in this direction has been recently achieved, reversible magnetization switching by an electric field requires the assistance of a bias magnetic field. Here we take advantage of the novel electronic phenomena emerging at interfaces between correlated oxides and demonstrate reversible, voltage-driven magnetization switching without magnetic field. Sandwiching a non-superconducting cuprate between two manganese oxide layers, we find a novel form of magnetoelectric coupling arising from the orbital reconstruction at the interface between interfacial Mn spins and localized states in the CuO2 planes. This results in a ferromagnetic coupling between the manganite layers that can be controlled by a voltage. Consequently, magnetic tunnel junctions can be electrically toggled between two magnetization states, and the corresponding spin-dependent resistance states, in the absence of a magnetic field.
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