Información del autor
Autor Martínez Alonso, Luis |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (62)

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The dispersionless KP hierarchy is considered from the point of view of the twistor formalism. A set of explicit additional symmetries is characterized and its action on the solutions of the twistor equations is studied. A method for dealing wit[...]![]()
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Álvarez Galindo, Gabriel ; Martínez Alonso, Luis ; Medina Reus, Elena | Elsevier Science BV | 2011-07-11We present a method to compute the genus expansion of the free energy of Hermitian matrix models from the large N expansion of the recurrence coefficients of the associated family of orthogonal polynomials. The method is based on the Bleher-Its [...]![]()
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In this work we use Riemann-Hilbert problems for multiple orthogonal polynomials in order to derive string equations associated to Lax-Orlov pairs operators. These string equations provide us with a useful tool to analyze the large n-limit of th[...]![]()
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A previously introduced scheme for describing integrable deformations of algebraic curves is completed. Lenard relations are used to characterize and classify these deformations in terms of hydrodynamic-type systems. A general solution of the co[...]![]()
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It is proved that the system of string equations of the dispersionless 2-Toda hierarchy which arises in the planar limit of the hermitian matrix model also underlies certain processes in HeleShaw flows.![]()
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We give an exhaustive characterization of the complex saddle point configurations of the Gross-WittenWadia matrix model in the large-N limit. In particular, we characterize the cases in which the saddles accumulate in one, two, or three arcs, i[...]![]()
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The soliton dynamics in the complex sine-Gordon equation, massive Thirring model, and sine-Gordon equation are shown to be closely related.![]()
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Álvarez Galindo, Gabriel ; Martínez Alonso, Luis ; Medina Reus, Elena | 2013-06This paper deals with the determination of the S-curves in the theory of non-hermitian orthogonal polynomials with respect to exponential weights along suitable paths in the complex plane. It is known that the corresponding complex equilibrium p[...]![]()
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The quasiclassical limit of the scalar nonlocal ?? -problem is derived and a quasiclassical version of the ??-dressing method is presented. Dispersionless Kadomtsev– Petviashvili (KP), modified KP, and dispersionless two- dimensional Toda latt[...]![]()
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Mañas Baena, Manuel ; Martínez Alonso, Luis | Departamento de Física Teórica II (Métodos Matemáticos de la Física) | 2015En este manual se revisan diferentes aspectos sobre las ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales de utilidad para los físicos. Se elaboraron como notas de clase de la asignatura Ecuaciones II, del plan 1993 de la Licenciatura de Física de[...]![]()
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The problem of the soliton motion in the case of a nonzero reflection coefficient is solved exactly within the framework of the inverse scattering method. A general method is given for obtaining the asymptotic expressions of the soliton angle va[...]![]()
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A hierarchy of infinite-dimensional systems of hydrodynamic type is considered and a general scheme for classifying its reductions is provided. Wide families of integrable systems including, in particular, those associated with energy-dependent [...]![]()
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It is shown that the dispersionless scalar integrable hierarchies and, in general, the universal hitham hierarchy are nothing but classes of integrable deformations of quasiconformal mappings on the plane. Examples of deformations of quasiconfo[...]![]()
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A class of exact solutions of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy constrained by a string equation is obtained. These solutions represent deformations of analytic curves with a finite number of nonzero harmonic moments. The corresponding tau-funct[...]![]()
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Wide classes of explicit solutions of the Manin-Radul and Jacobian supersymmetric KP hierarchies are constructed by using line bundles over complex supercurves based on the Riemann sphere. Their construction extends several ideas of the standard[...]