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Autor Cembranos, Pilar |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (18)

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Let c0(E) be the vector space of all sequences convergent to zero in a Banach space E, endowed with the supremum norm. This paper is devoted to proving that the Banach space c0(E) has the Dunford-Pettis property, the Dieudonné property or the pr[...]![]()
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Let $K$K be a compact Hausdorff space and $E$E, $F$F Banach spaces with $L(E,F)$L(E,F) the space of bounded linear operators from $E$E into $F$F. If $C(K,E)$C(K,E) is the space of all continuous functions from $K$K into $E$E equipped with the su[...]![]()
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Let C(K,E) be the vector space of all continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space K with values in a reflexive Banach space E, endowed with the usual uniform norm. We prove in this paper that the Banach space C(K,E) is a Grothendieck space[...]![]()
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A Banach space operator is called a Dieudonné operator if it maps weakly Cauchy sequences to weakly convergent sequences. A space E is said to have property (D) if, whenever K is a compact Hausdorff space and T is an operator from C(K,E) int[...]![]()
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The Statement Of The Title Is Proved.![]()
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In the context of f(R) modified gravity theories, we study the Kerr-Newman black hole solutions. We study nonzero constant scalar curvature solutions and discuss the metric tensor that satisfies the modified field equations. We conclude that, in[...]![]()
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Let K tie a compact Hausdorff space and let E be a Banach Space. We denote by C(K, E) the Banach space of all E-valued Continuous functions defined on K , endowed with the supremum Norm. Recently, Talagrand [Israel J. Math. 44 (1983), 317-321] C[...]![]()
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Let E and F be two Banach spaces, and let L(E,F) [WK(E,F)] denote the space of all continuous [weakly compact] linear operators from E to F. Obviously, if F is reflexive then L(E,F)=WK(E,F). The author proves that the equality L(E,F)=WK(E,F) imp[...]![]()
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Banach spaces. Some results on complemented subspaces of l(p)(l(q)) are also given.![]()
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A Banach space E has the Dunford-Pettis property if every operator from E into a reflexive Banach space is a Dunford-Pettis operator. D. Leung [Math. Z. 197, 21-32 (1988] introduced a formally weaker property, the surjective Dunford-Pettis prop[...]![]()
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It is shown that if is a compact Hausdorff space, E is a Banach space that has property (u) and contains no subspace isomorphic to `1, then C(,E) has Pelczynski’s Property V. This in particular shows that if E is a subspace of an order continuou[...]![]()
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It is unknown whether all renormings of c0 fail the fixed point property (FPP) or not. In this note we give a sufficient condition for a renorming of c0 to fail the FPP which is more general than the previously known ones. In fact the condition [...]![]()
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The statement of the title is proved. It follows from this that the spaces c(0)(l(p)), l(p)(c(0)) and l(p)(l(q)), 1![]()
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In this paper we prove that if E is a Banach space with separable dual, then the space C(K, E) of all continuous E-valued functions on a compact Haus-dorff topological space K has the Dieudonnep roperty.![]()
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A Banach Space E Is Said To Be Hereditarily Dunford-Pettis If All Of Its Closed Subspaces Have The Dunford-Pettis Property. In This Note We Prove That The Banach Space 11 (E), Of All Absolutely Summing Sequences In E With The Usual Norm, Is Here[...]