Información del autor
Autor Hernández Redondo, Rafael |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (36)

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We develop a systematic approach to G_(2) holonomy manifolds with an SU(2) × SU(2) isometry using maximal eight-dimensional gauged supergravity to describe D6-branes wrapped on deformed three-spheres. A quite general metric ansatz that generaliz[...]![]()
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Lorentzian signature D-branes of all dimensions for the Nappi-Witten string are constructed. This is done by rewriting the gluing condition J(+) = FJ(-) for the model chiral currents on the brane as a well posed first order differential problem [...]![]()
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We obtain a supergravity solution arising when D6-branes are wrapped on coassociative four-cycles of constant curvature in seven manifolds of G_(2) holonomy. The solutions preserve two supercharges and thus represent supergravity duals of three [...]![]()
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We consider non-perturbative effects in M-theory compactifications on a seven-manifold of G_(2) holonomy arising from membranes wrapped on supersymmetric three-cycles. When membranes are wrapped on associative submanifolds they induce a superpot[...]![]()
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Beisert, Niklas ; Hernández Redondo, Rafael ; López, Esperanza | Int School Advanced Studies | 2006-11We propose an all-order perturbative expression for the dressing phase of the AdS_(5) x S^(5) string S-matrix at strong coupling. Moreover, we are able to sum up large parts of this expression. This allows us to start the investigation of the an[...]![]()
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We study the reduction of classical strings rotating in the deformed three- sphere truncation of the double Yang-Baxter deformation of theAdS(3)xS(3)xT(4)background to an integrable mechanical model. The use of the generalized spinning-string an[...]![]()
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Closed strings spinning in AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 with mixed Ramond-Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz-NeveuSchwarz three-form fluxes are described by a deformation of the one-dimensional Neumann-Rosochatius integrable system. In this articlewe find general so[...]![]()
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Hernández Redondo, Rafael ; López, Esperanza ; Periáñez, África ; Sierra, Germán | Int School Advanced Studies | 2005-06N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills operators carrying large charges are dual to semiclassical strings in AdS5 × S 5 . The spectrum of anomalous dimensions of very large operators has been calculated solving the Bethe ansatz equations in the thermod[...]![]()
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We obtain the spectrum of glueball masses for the N = 1 non-conformal cascade theory whose supergravity dual was recently constructed by Klebanov and Strassler. The glueball masses are calculated by solving the supergravity equations of motion f[...]![]()
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Hernández Redondo, Rafael ; Sfetsos, Konstadinos ; Zoakos, Dimitrios | Int School Advanced Studies | 2006-03Supergravity backgrounds dual to a class of exactly marginal deformations of N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills can be constructed through an SL(2, R) sequence of T-dualities and coordinate shifts. We apply this transformation to multicenter soluti[...]![]()
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We consider the ratio of the correlation function of a hexagon light-like Wilson loop with one local operator over the expectation value of the Wilson loop within the strong-coupling regime of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We choose the hexagon Wi[...]![]()
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Compactifications of M-theory on manifolds with reduced holonomy arise as the local eleven-dimensional description of D6-branes wrapped on supersymmetric cycles in manifolds of lower dimension with a different holonomy group. Whenever the isomet[...]![]()
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We present a non-perturbative resummation of the asymptotic strong-coupling expansion for the dressing phase factor of the AdS5 × S5 string S-matrix. The non-perturbative resummation provides a general form for the coefficients in the weak-coupl[...]![]()
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Global geometry of K3-fibration Calabi-Yau threefolds, with Hodge number h_(2,1) = r+1, is used to define N =4 softly broken SU(r+1) gauge theories, with the bare coupling constant given by the dual heterotic dilaton, and the mass of the adjoint[...]![]()
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We analize instanton generated superpotentials for three dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories obtained by compactifying on S^(1) N = 1 four dimensional theories. For SU(2) with N_(f) = 1, we find that the vacua in the decompactificati[...]