Información del autor
Autor Rapún, M.L. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (8)

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An iterative strategy for the reconstruction of objects buried in a medium and the identification of their material parameters is analysed. The algorithm alternates guesses of the domains using topological derivatives with corrections of the par[...]![]()
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An inverse problem is considered where the structure of multiple sound-soft planar obstacles is to be determined given the direction of the incoming acoustic field and knowledge of the corresponding total field on a curve located outside the obs[...]![]()
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A numerical method to detect objects buried in a medium by surface thermal measurements is presented. We propose a new approach combining the use of topological derivatives and Laplace transforms. The original optimization problem with time-depe[...]![]()
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We present a technique to reconstruct the electromagnetic properties of a medium or a set of objects buried inside it from boundary measurements when applying electric currents through a set of electrodes. The electromagnetic parameters may be r[...]![]()
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This paper is devoted to the reconstruction of objects buried in a medium and their material properties by hybrid topological derivative-gradient based methods. After illustrating the techniques in time-harmonic acoustic problems with different [...]![]()
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We introduce new iterative schemes to reconstruct scatterers buried in a medium and their physical properties. The inverse scattering problem is reformulated as a constrained optimization problem involving transmission boundary value problems in[...]![]()
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We propose a numerical strategy to reconstruct scatterers buried in a medium when the incident radiation (electromagnetic, thermal, acoustic) is governed by Helmholtz transmission problems. The scattering problem is recast as a shape optimizatio[...]![]()
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Topological derivative methods are used to solve constrained optimization reformulations of inverse scattering problems. The constraints take the form of Helmholtz or elasticity problems with different boundary conditions at the interface betwee[...]