Información del autor
Autor Resina, Ivam |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (5)

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The paper deals with the entropy ideals generated by the Lorentz- Marcinkiewicz spaces of the type ? ? (?) where ? is a function parameter. The entropy ideal generated by ? ? (?) is the set of all operators between Banach spaces whose sequence o[...]![]()
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We show a direct proof for the generalized Hardy’s inequality obtained by the first author Math. Nachr. 126, 281-300, 1986. Our techniques are elementary and work in the limit case which was not covered in [loc. cit.]. Some applications to eigen[...]![]()
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The authors prove a representation theorem in terms of finite rank operators for operators´T on Banach spaces which satisfy sup n2N (log n) an(T)![]()
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We establish representation theorems in terms of finite rank operators for some operator ideals defined by approximation numbers. We also study the stability under tensor product of these ideals.