Order cones: A tool for deriving k-dimensional faces ofcones of subfamilies of monotone games
Miranda Menéndez, Pedro ;
García Segador, Pedro
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Springer Link, 2020-07-10
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Estadística aplicada
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Investigación operativa
Tipo = Artículo
In this paper we introduce the concept of order cone. This concept is inspired by the concept of order polytopes, a well-known object coming from Combinatorics. Similarly to order polytopes, order cones are a special type of polyhedral cones whose geometrical structure depends on the properties of a partially ordered set (brief poset). This allows to study these properties in terms of the subjacent poset, a problem that is usually simpler to solve. From the point of view of applicability, it can be seen that many cones appearing in the literature of monotone TU-games are order cones. Especially, it can be seen that the cones of monotone games with restricted cooperation are order cones, no matter the structure of the set of feasible coalitions.
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