Información del autor
Autor Rios, G. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (13)

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We study the pion mass dependence of the ?(770) and f_0(600) masses and widths from one and two-loop unitarized chiral perturbation theory ( ChPT). We show the consistency of one-loop calculations with lattice results for the M_?, f_? and the is[...]![]()
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We calculate the pion-pion elastic scattering phase shifts for pion masses from the chiral limit to values of interest for lattice studies. At low energies, we use the standard Chiral Perturbation Theory expressions to one and two loops. In addi[...]![]()
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Rios, G. ; Gómez Nicola, Ángel ; Hanhart, C. ; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón | Amer Inst Physics | 2008We review our recent study of the pion mass dependence of the p and a resonances, generated from one-loop SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). In order to properly account for the Adler zero region, we[...]![]()
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We determine the values of the one- and two-loop low energy constants appearing in the SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory calculation of pion-pion scattering. For this we use a recent and precise sum rule determination of some scattering lengths a[...]![]()
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We show that the latest and very precise dispersive data analyses require a large and very unnatural finetuning of the 1/N_c expansion at N_c = 3if the f_o(600) and K(800) light scalar mesons are to be considered predominantly q?q states, which[...]![]()
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The inverse amplitude method is a powerful unitarization technique to enlarge the energy applicability region of effective Lagrangians. It has been widely used to describe resonances in hadronic physics, combined with chiral perturbation theory,[...]![]()
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The inverse amplitude method is a powerful unitarization technique to enlarge the energy applicability region of effective Lagrangians. It has been widely used to describe resonances in hadronic physics, combined with chiral perturbation theory,[...]![]()
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We review our studies on the ? and ? resonances properties derived from the Inverse Amplitude Method. In particular, we study the leading 1/N_c behavior of the resonances masses and widths and their evolution with changing m_(?). The 1/N_c expan[...]![]()
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We review the N_c and m_? dependence of the rho(770) and ? (or f_0(600) resonances generated with the Inverse Amplitude Method. The ? N_c behavior is at odds with being dominantly a q?q? state, but there is a hint of a subdominant q?q?o componen[...]![]()
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We review our work on the ? and ? resonances derived from the Inverse Amplitude Method. In particular, we study the leading 1/N_c behavior of the resonances masses and widths and their evolution with changing m_?. The 1/Nc expansion gives a clea[...]![]()
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Quark-mass dependence of the ? and ? mesons from dispersion relations and chiral perturbation theory
We use the one-loop chiral perturbation theory ? ? -scattering amplitude and dispersion theory in the form of the inverse amplitude method to study the quark-mass dependence of the two lightest resonances of the strong interactions, the f_0(600)[...]![]()
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We discuss in general terms pole trajectories of resonances coupling to a continuum channel as some strength parameter is varied. It is demonstrated that, regardless of the underlying dynamics, the trajectories of poles that couple to the contin[...]![]()
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Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón ; Hanhart, C. ; Nebreda Manjón, Jenifer ; Rios, G. | American Institute of Physics | 2010In this talk we briefly review how the unitarization of Chiral Perturbation Theory with dispersion relations can successfully describe the meson- meson scattering data and generate light resonances, whose mass, width and nature can be related to[...]