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Autor Íñiguez, D. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (7)

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Baity Jesi, Marco ; Calore, E. ; Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Gil-Narvión,, J. M. ; Gordillo-Guerrero, A. ; Íñiguez, D. ; Maiorano, A. ; Marinari, E. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Moreno-Gordo, J. ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Navarro, D. ; Parisi, G. ; Pérez-Gaviro, S. ; Ricci-Tersenghi, F. ; Ruiz-Lorenzo, J. J. ; Schifano, S. F. ; Seoane, B. ; Tarancón, A. ; Tripiccione, R. ; Yllanes, D. | Amer Physical Soc | 2018-06-28Experiments on spin glasses can now make precise measurements of the exponent zðTÞ governing the growth of glassy domains, while our computational capabilities allow us to make quantitative predictions for experimental scales. However, experimen[...]![]()
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Alonso, J. L. ; Ballesteros, H.G. ; Campos, I. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Clemente Gallardo, J. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Tarancón, A. ; Ullod, C. L. | Elsevier | 1997-02We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second[...]![]()
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García Pérez, M. ; González Arroyo, A. ; Martínez, P. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. ; Azcoiti, V. ; Campos, I. ; Ciria, J.C. ; Cruz, A. ; Íñiguez, D. ; Lesmes, F. ; Badoni, D. ; Pech, J. | Elsevier Science BV | 1993-05-20We study SU(2) lattice gauge theory in small volumes and with twist m ? = (1, 1, 1). We investigate the presence of the periodic instantons of Q = 1/2 and determine their free energy and their contribution to the splitting of energy flux sectors[...]![]()
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Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Tarancón, A. | Elsevier Science BV | 1996-05-02We have made a study of several update algorithms using the XY model. We find that sequential local overrelaxation is not ergodic at the scale of typical Monte Carlo simulation time. We have introduced a new multisite microcanonical update metho[...]![]()
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Alonso, J. L. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Clemente Gallardo, J. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Tarancón, A. ; Ullod, C. L. | Elsevier Science BV | 1996-05-23We study the phase diagram of the four dimensional king model with first and second neighbour couplings, especially in the antiferromagnetic region, by using Mean Field and Monte Carlo methods. From the latter, all the transition lines seem to b[...]![]()
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Cruz, A. ; Íñiguez, D. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Tarancón, A. | Elsevier Science BV | 1998-01-01The order of the Coulomb-Higgs transition in the U (1) -Higgs model with unfrozen modulus of the scalar field is studied. Large lattices (up to 24^4 in one case) and high statistics are used. We fix ? = 1.15 and explore specially a region of ?[...]![]()
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Cruz, A. ; Íñiguez, D. ; Tarancón, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio | Elsevier Science BV | 1995-04We find a first order Coulomb-Higgs phase transition at moderately large values of the coupling ?, and no evidence for a change of order at any finite value of it.