Información del autor
Autor Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (12)

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Barceló, C. ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Gonzalez Diaz, P. F. ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | Amer Physical Soc | 1996-03-15Starting with a procedure for dealing with general asymptotic behavior, we construct a quantum theory for asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormholes. We follow both the path integral formalism and the algebraic quantization program proposed by Asht[...]![]()
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Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; González Díaz, Pedro F. ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. ; Raya, José M. | Amer Physical Soc | 1997-06-15The quantization of circular strings in an anti-de Sitter background spacetime is performed, obtaining a discrete spectrum for the string mass. A comparison with a four-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic spacetime coupled to a conformal scala[...]![]()
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Alonso Serrano, Ana ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | American Physical Society | 2014Different spacetime regions separated by horizons are not related to each other. We know that this statement holds for classical spacetimes. In this paper we carry out a canonical quantization of a Kantowski-Sachs minisuperspace model whose clas[...]![]()
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Martin Benito, M. ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | Amer Physical Soc | 2008-10We quantize an inhomogeneous cosmological model using techniques that include polymeric quantization. More explicitly, we construct well-defined operators to represent the constraints and find the physical Hilbert space formed by their solutions[...]![]()
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We analyse changes of the Immirzi parameter in loop quantum gravity and compare their consequences with those of Lorentz boosts and constant conformal transformations in black-hole physics. We show that the effective value deduced for the Planck[...]![]()
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The Immirzi ambiguity arises in loop quantum gravity when geometric operators are represented in terms of different connections that are related by means of an extended Wick transform. We analyze the action of this transform in gravity coupled w[...]![]()
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Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Martin Benito, M. ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | Amer Physical Soc | 2010-08-30The Gowdy cosmologies provide a suitable arena to further develop loop quantum cosmology, allowing the presence of inhomogeneities. For the particular case of Gowdy spacetimes with the spatial topology of a three-torus and a content of linearly [...]![]()
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Martin Benito, M. ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. ; Wilson-Ewing, E. | IOP publishing ltd | 2012We complete the canonical quantization of the vacuum Bianchi I model within the improved dynamics scheme of loop quantum cosmology, characterizing the Hilbert structure of the physical states and providing a complete set of observables acting on[...]![]()
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Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Halliwel, Jonathan J. ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | Amer Physical Soc | 1991-04-15We study a class of minisuperspace models consisting of a homogenous isotropic universe with a minimally coupled homogenous scalar field with a potential alpha cosh(2-phi) + beta sinh(2-phi), where alpha and beta are arbitrary parameters. This i[...]![]()
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Martin- Benito, M. ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | IOP publishing ltd | 2011The linearly polarized Gowdy T(3) model can be regarded as compact Bianchi I cosmologies with inhomogeneous modes allowed to travel in one direction. We study a hybrid quantization of this model that combines the loop quantization of the Bianchi[...]![]()
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Galan, Pablo ; Garay Elizondo, Luis Javier ; Mena Marugán, Guillermo A. | Amer Physical Soc | 2007-08The combined action of gravity and quantum mechanics gives rise to a minimum time uncertainty in the lowest order approximation of a perturbative scheme, in which quantum effects are regarded as corrections to the classical spacetime geometry. F[...]![]()
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The generalized Wick transform discovered by Thiemann provides a well established relation between the Euclidean and Lorentzian theories of general relativity. We extend this Thiemann transform to the Ashtekar formulation for gravity coupled wit[...]