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Autor Blasco Contreras, Fernando |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (7)

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Ansemil, José María M. ; Blasco Contreras, Fernando ; Ponte, Socorro | Suomalainen tiedeakatemia | 2000In this paper we point out some relations concerning properties (BB)(n) and (BB)(n,s) related to the "Probleme des topologies" of Grothendieck and give a first example of a Frechet space with the (BB)(2) property but without the (BB)(3) property.![]()
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En el primer capitulo de la memoria se introducen las notaciones que se van a utilizar en el capitulo segundo se muestran casos en los que existe complementación en productos tensoriales de espacios localmente convexos, principalmente en product[...]![]()
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Blasco Contreras, Fernando ; Cuchillo Ibáñez, Eduardo ; Morón, Manuel A. ; Romero López, Carlos | Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd | 2000-07In this note, we describe the compromise set for a special polyhedral convex feasible set. This procedure gives the monotonicity of the compromise set. This scenario appears in some engineering and economic applications like the determination of[...]![]()
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Blasco Contreras, Fernando ; Cuchillo Ibáñez, Eduardo ; Morón, Manuel A. ; Romero López, Carlos | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publ | 1999-07This paper discusses the extension of results on monotonicity of the compromise set valid for bicriteria problems to general multicriteria problems under a very general condition, which is assumable in compromise programming problems coming from[...]![]()
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Ansemil, José María M. ; Blasco Contreras, Fernando ; Ponte, Socorro | Università del Salento | 1997A property P of locally convex spaces is called a three-space property whenever the following implication holds: if both a closed subspace F and the corresponding quotient E/F of a locally convex space E have P then E has P as well. The authors [...]![]()
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Properties (BB)n, n = 2, 3, ... on a locally convex space (see the definition below) have been recently introduced ([10]). They are interesting, among other things, in connection with the study of natural topologies on spaces of polynomials, mul[...]![]()
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An example of a Frechet space E is given such that the space of n-homogeneous continuous polynomials on E, endowed with any of the natural topologies usually considered on it, is quasinormable for every n is an element of N. This space has the p[...]