Improved and customized secondary optics for photo-voltaic concentrators
Vázquez Moliní, Daniel ;
Álvarez Fernández Balbuena, Antonio ;
García Botella, Ángel ;
Alda, Javier
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
SPIE, 2015-08-25
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Optica
Materia = Ciencias: Química: Medio ambiente
Tipo = Artículo
In this contribution the line flow method is applied to an optimized secondary optics in a photovoltaic concentration system where the primary optics is already defined and characterized. This method is a particular application of photic field theory. This method uses the parameterization of a given primary optics, including actual tolerances of the manufacturing process. The design of the secondary optics is constrained by the selection of primary optics and maximizes the concentration at a previously specified collection area. The geometry of the secondary element is calculated by using a virtual source, which sends light in a first concentration step. This allows us to calculate the line flow for this specific case. This concept allows designing more compact and efficient secondary optics of photovoltaic systems.
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