Información del autor
Autor Monteiro, T. S. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (5)

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Hur, G. ; Creffield, Charles E. ; Jones, P.H. ; Monteiro, T. S. | American Physical Society | 2005-07Recently, cesium atoms in optical lattices subjected to cycles of unequally spaced pulses have been found to show interesting behavior: they represent an experimental demonstration of a Hamiltonian ratchet mechanism, and they show strong variabi[...]![]()
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Bose-Einstein condensates subject to short pulses (kicks) from standing waves of light represent a nonlinear analog of the well-known chaos paradigm, the quantum kicked rotor. Previous studies of the onset of dynamical instability (i.e., expo[...]![]()
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The quantum dynamics of atoms subjected to pairs of closely spaced delta kicks from optical potentials are shown to be quite different from the well-known paradigm of quantum chaos, the single delta-kick system. We find the unitary matrix has a [...]![]()
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We examine the quantum dynamics of cold atoms subjected to pairs of closely spaced kicks from standing waves of light and find behavior quite unlike the well-studied quantum kicked rotor QKR. We show that the quantum phase space has a periodi[...]![]()
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We study the time-dependent dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in an optical lattice. Modeling the system as a Bose-Hubbard model, we show how applying a periodic driving field can induce coherent destruction of tunneling. In the low[...]