Boundedness of global solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations involving gradient blow-up phenomena
Arrieta Algarra, José María ;
Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal ;
Souplet, Philippe
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Scuola Normale Superiore, 2004
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Análisis funcional y teoría de operadores
Tipo = Artículo
We consider a one-dimensional semilinear parabolic equation with a gradient nonlinearity. We provide a complete classification of large time behavior of the classical solutions u: either the space derivative u., blows up in finite time (with u itself remaining bounded), or u is global and converges in C-1 norm to the unique steady state. The main difficulty is to prove C-1 boundedness of all global solutions. To do so, we explicitly compute a nontrivial Lyapunov functional by carrying out the method of Zelenyak. After deriving precise estimates on the solutions and on the Lyapunov functional, we proceed by contradiction by showing that any C-1 unbounded global solution should converge to a singular stationary solution, which does not exist. As a consequence of our results, we exhibit the following interesting situation: the trajectories starting from some bounded set of initial data in C-1 describe an unbounded set, although each of them is individually bounded and converges to the tame limit; the existence time T* is not a continuous function of the initial data.
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