Información del autor
Autor González, Miguel |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (5)

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In this article we give a condition, which holds in a very general setting, to smooth a rope, of any dimension, embedded in projective space. As a consequence of this we prove that canonically embedded carpets satisfying mild geometric condition[...]![]()
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Gallego Rodrigo, Francisco Javier ; González, Miguel ; Purnaprajna, Bangere P. | Academic Press | 2013-01his article delves into the relation between the deformation theory of finite morphisms to projective space and the existence of ropes, embedded in projective space, with certain invariants. We focus on the case of canonical double covers X of a[...]![]()
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Lázaro Gorines, Rodrigo ; López Rodríguez, Juan Carlos ; Benedé, Sara ; González, Miguel ; Mayorga, Cristobalina ; Vogel, Lothar ; Martínez del Pozo, Álvaro ; Lacadena, Javier ; Villalba, Mayte | Nature Research | 2020-07-23Immunotoxins appear as promising therapeutic molecules, alternative to allergen-specifcimmunotherapy. In this work, we achieved the development of a protein chimera able to promote specifc cell death on efector cells involved in the allergic rea[...]![]()
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In this article we show that a wide range of multiple structures on curves arise whenever a family of embeddings degenerates to a morphism of degree . One could expect to see, when an embedding degenerates to such a morphism, the appearance of a[...]