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Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales |
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial (23)

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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Faghloumi, Ch. | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2008An application of the results of this paper proves that there is not always an economic benefit when destroying the environment for planting an alternative industrial project. Our criterion, to act, to delay or to deny the industrial investment [...]![]()
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El trabajo consta de una introducción biográfica en el que se recogen las pocas cosas que se conocen de la vida de Thomas Bayes. A continuación se tratan los antecedentes del problema de la probabilidad inversa y se comenta el Ensayo. Se recogen[...]![]()
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The goal of this short note is to show the constrained nature of the set of variations and the set of admissible sections of the Euler-Poincare reduction scheme for field theories in both the continuous formalism and in a discrete model![]()
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Parece claro que, cualquiera que sea la definición que adoptemos, el objetivo básico de la Ciencia es la modelización de los distintos aspectos de la realidad en términos comprensibles, de modo que puedan utilizarse estos modelos para predecir h[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Antontsev, S.N. | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2007We study the boundary layer approximation of the, already classical, mathematical model which describes the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a stagnant colder atmosphere of the same gas. We start by proving the existence and uniqueness of solut[...]![]()
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We consider a discretized a simple climate model of Sellers type and analyze the problem of transferring the system (through some sufficiently large time T) from a stationary state to another one in the same connected component.![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Antontsev, S.N. | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2009We prove several uniform L(1)-estimates on solutions of a general class of one-dimensional parabolic systems, mainly coupled in the diffusion term, which, in fact, can be of degenerate type. They are uniform in the sense that they don't depend o[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Liñán Martínez, Amable | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2001We show that there are two curves of initial data (xo, vo) for which the solutions x(t) of the corresponding Cauchy problem associated to the equation xtt + |xí|a_1 xt + x — 0, where a G (0,1), vanish after a finite time. By using asymptotic and[...]![]()
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It is announced that the Freudenthal compactification of an open, connected, oriented 3-manifold is a 3-fold branched covering of S 3 . The branching set is as nice as can be expected. Some applications are given.![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Rakotoson, Jean Michel Theresien ; Schmidt, Paul G. | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2007We propose a modification of the classical Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy-driven flows of viscous, incompressible fluids in situations where viscous heating cannot be neglected. This modification is motivated by unresolved issues regardin[...]![]()
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El concepto de infinito siempre ha fascinado a los mejores pensadores de la Humanidad. Por un lado, hay muchos aspectos que percibimos de la realidad que se nos aparecen como indicios razonables de fenómenos infinitos: el tiempo parece prolongar[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Glowinski, R. ; Guidoboni, G. ; Kim, T. | Real Academia Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales | 2010We study the transient flow of an isothermal and incompressible Bingham fluid. Similar models arise in completely different contexts as, for instance, in material science, image processing and differential geometry. For the two-dimensional flow [...]