Mathematical models for introduction, spread and early detection on infectious diseases in veterinary epidemiology
Fernández Carrión, Eduardo
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017-07-11
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = No publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas
Tipo = Tesis
Epidemiology is a discipline that studies the distribution and the factors relatedto the spread of (infectious) diseases in susceptible populations, and then uses thisknowledge to control them. In this discipline, mathematical modeling plays a fun-damental role in explaining the inuence of potential risk factors, patterns of diseasespread and the effects produced.Applying mathematical models to epidemiology requires identifying the variablesthat inuence the behavior of a disease in order to obtain a set of equations whosesolution agrees with what happens in reality. The goal is to generate epidemiologi-cal models that not only explain the spread of diseases based on past experimentalinformation, but also predict possible future scenarios. In this way, mathematicalmodeling is often the basis for decisions and practices aimed at preventing, control-ling or eradicating disease.For the construction of epidemiological models, there is a wide variety of mathe-matical and statistical techniques. Thanks to the increasingly powerful technologies,there is a great offer of solutions designed for obtaining, processing and analyzingdata, even in real time. Together, the epidemiologist can draw on potent platformsto develop new epidemiological tools based on mathematical models that respondto current demand...
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