Información del autor
Autor Paga, I |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (2)

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Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Marinari, E. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Paga, I ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. | American Physical Society | 2019-11-11Motivated by recent experiments of exceptional accuracy, we study numerically the spin-glass dynamics in a film geometry. We cover all the relevant time regimes, from picoseconds to equilibrium, at temperatures at and below the 3D critical point[...]![]()
texto impreso
Paga, I ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; González-Adalid Pemartín, Isidoro ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Seoane Bartolomé, Beatriz ; otros, ... | American Physical Society | 2020-11-30The correlation length xi, a key quantity in glassy dynamics, can now be precisely measured for spin glasses both in experiments and in simulations. However, known analysis methods lead to discrepancies either for large external fields or close [...]