Noise robust linear dynamic system for phase unwrapping and smoothing
Quiroga Mellado, Juan Antonio ;
Estrada, Julio César ;
Servín Guirado, Manuel
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
The Optical Society Of America, 2011-03-14
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Optica
Tipo = Artículo
Phase unwrapping techniques remove the modulus 2 ? ambiguities of wrapped phase maps. The present work shows a first-order feedback system for phase unwrapping and smoothing. This system is a fast phase unwrapping system which also allows filtering some noise since in deed it is an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) low-pass filter. In other words, our system is capable of low-pass filtering the wrapped phase as the unwrapping process proceeds. We demonstrate the temporal stability of this unwrapping feedback system, as well as its low-pass filtering capabilities. Our system even outperforms the most common and used unwrapping methods that we tested, such as the Flynn's method, the Goldstain's method, and the Ghiglia least-squares method (weighted or unweighted). The comparisons with these methods show that our system filters-out some noise while preserving the dynamic range of the phase-data. Its application areas may cover: optical metrology, synthetic aperture radar systems, magnetic resonance, and those imaging systems where information is obtained as a demodulated wrapped phase map.
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