The thermal state and strength of the lithosphere in the Spanish Central Systemand Tajo Basin from crustal heat production and thermal isostasy
Jiménez Díaz, Alberto ;
Ruiz Pérez, Javier ;
Villaseca González, Carlos ;
Tejero López, Rosa ;
Capote del Villar, Ramón
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Elsevier Science B.V, 2012
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Termodinámica
Materia = Ciencias: Geología: Geodinámica
Tipo = Artículo
In this work we have modeled the thermal structure of the lithosphere of the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, and their implications for lithospheric strength. For his, we have used refined heatproducing elements (HPE) values to obtain new estimates of heat production rates in the Spanish Central System and Tajo Basin areas, which have been used joined to the relation between topography and thermal structure of the lithosphere to calculate the best- it surface heat flows in the study area. Moreover, we have implemented a temperature-dependent thermal conductivity (appropriate for olivine) for the lithospheric mantle to improve the calculations of temperature profiles in the mantle. The geotherms so obtained, together with the implementation of a new rheological law for the upper lithospheric mantle, have been used to calculate refined estimations of the strength and effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere. We have obtained surface heat flow values of 84 mW m?2 and ?82 mW m?2 for the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, respectively. The thermal state of the lithosphere affects mantle temperatures, and hence may be playing an important role in the uplift and maintenance of the Spanish Central System.
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