In-situ scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy Young's modulus determination of indium oxide microrods for micromechanical resonator applications
Bartolomé Vílchez, Javier ;
Hidalgo Alcalde, Pedro ;
Maestre Varea, David ;
Cremades Rodríguez, Ana Isabel ;
Piqueras de Noriega, Javier
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
American Institute of Physics, 2014-04-21
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Física de materiales
Tipo = Artículo
Electric field induced mechanical resonances of In2O3 microrods are studied by in-situ measurements in the chamber of a scanning electron microscope. Young's moduli of rods with different cross-sectional shapes are calculated from the resonance frequency, and a range of values between 131 and 152GPa are obtained. A quality factor of 1180-3780 is measured from the amplitude-frequency curves, revealing the suitability of In2O3 microrods as micromechanical resonators. The Young's modulus, E, of one of the rods is also measured from the elastic response in the force-displacement curve recorded in an atomic force microscope. E values obtained by in-situ scanning electron microscopy and by atomic force microscopy are found to differ in about 8%. The results provide data on Young's modulus of In2O3 and confirm the suitability of in-situ scanning electron microscopy mechanical resonance measurements to investigate the elastic behavior of semiconductor microrods.
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