Chiral symmetry restoration in the massive Thirring model at finite T and mu: dimensional reduction and the Coulomb gas
Gómez Nicola, Ángel ;
Rivers, R. J ;
Steer, D. A.
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Elsevier, 2000-02-20
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Física-Modelos matemáticos
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Física matemática
Tipo = Artículo
We show that in certain limits the (1+1)-dimensional massive Thirring model at finite temperature T is equivalent to a one-dimensional Coulomb gas of charged particles at the same T. This equivalence is then used to explore the phase structure of the massive Thirring model. For strong coupling and T >>m (the fermion mass) , the system is shown to behave as a free gas of ‘‘molecules’’ (charge pairs in the Coulomb gas terminology) made of pairs of chiral condensates. This binding of chiral condensates is responsible for the restoration of chiral symmetry as T??. In addition, when a fermion chemical potential ? ? 0 is included, the analogy with a Coulomb gas still holds with ? playing the rôle of a purely imaginary external electric field. For small T and ? we find a typical massive Fermi gas behaviour for the fermion density, whereas for large ? it shows chiral restoration by means of a vanishing effective fermion mass. Some similarities with the chiral properties of low-energy QCD at finite T and baryon chemical potential are discussed
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