Our aim in this work has been to further the understanding of the importance and worry of corruption, that constitutes an endemic and corrosive problem of these times. Of course, History shows that corruption is an old moral or spiritual deterioration, but in this millennium things can and must change. In the fight against such an illness we consider necessary to have to do with seven outstanding questions: The decentralization of the Public Administration, the effective separation of the three powers, the rigorous functioning of the internal and external control, an especial test of the public contracting, a more agility and better organization of the judicial power, an intensification of the control of local entities, and a sensible improvement of the cultural level, as well as the recuperation of the civic and moral values. We dispose of a legal framework established until so far with a set of important Decree Law about the Reform of the Criminal Code, Money Laundering, or Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Government, among other legal dispositions. But there is a condition sine qua non to get our objective, and that one consists in the fact that political parties, trade unions, and public managers don´t forget in a culpable silence and by mutual consent their accounts with justice.