Estimating a pressure dependent thermal conductivity coefficient with applications in food technology
Capistrán, Marcos A. ;
Infante del Río, Juan Antonio
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Taylor and Francis, 2019-06-26
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias: Física: Física-Modelos matemáticos
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Investigación operativa
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Probabilidades
Materia = Ciencias: Matemáticas: Procesos estocásticos
Materia = Ciencias Biomédicas: Farmacia: Tecnología de los alimentos
Tipo = Artículo
In this paper we introduce a method to estimate a pressure dependent thermal conductivity coefficient arising in a heat diffusion model with applications in food technology. The strong smoothing effect of the corresponding direct problem renders the inverse problem under consideration severely ill-posed. Thus specially tailored methods are necessary in order to obtain a stable solution. Consequently, we model the uncertainty of the conductivity coefficient as a hierarchical Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) restricted to uniqueness conditions for the solution of the inverse problem established in Fraguela et al. [1]. Furthermore, we propose a Single Variable Exchange Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (SVEMH) to sample the corresponding conditional probability distribution of the conductivity coefficient given observations of the temperature. Sensitivity analysis of the direct problem suggests that large integration times are necessary to identify the thermal conductivity coefficient. Numerical evidence indicates that a signal to noise ratio of roughly 10 cubed suffices to reliably retrieve the thermal conductivity coefficient.
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