Seasonal niche-tracking behaviour of two partially migratory passerines
Fandos Guzmán, Guillermo ;
Tellería Jorge, José Luis
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Wiley, 2019-03-03
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = Publicado
Materia = Ciencias Biomédicas: Biología: Aves
Materia = Ciencias Biomédicas: Biología: Ecología
Tipo = Artículo
Migratory birds spend periods of the year in different locations as a response to seasonalchanges in environmental suitability. They are classified as either‘niche-trackers’or‘niche-switchers’, depending on whether they track or switch environmental conditionsthroughout the year. However, the relationship between these strategies and their migra-tory behaviour is still unclear. Here we examine whether migratory European RobinsErithacus rubeculaand Eurasian BlackcapsSylvia atricapillatrack environmental condi-tions between breeding and wintering areas and whether their behaviour differs fromthat of their sedentary counterparts. We used ringing data for both migratory and seden-tary individuals wintering sympatrically in the Iberian Peninsula to assess the environ-mental conditions relating to their seasonal distributions. We explored seasonal niche-tracking using two multivariate analyses with alternative sets of predictor variables (land-scape and climate) to generate different environmental scenarios. Our results show thatmigratory individuals track similar climatic conditions throughout their seasonal distribu-tions, whereas sedentary birds cope with great variation in climate over the course of theyear. In addition, migratory birds show less seasonal overlap in the landscape structure oftheir chosen habitats compared with sedentary individuals. These results suggest thatthere is a trade-off between, on the one hand, the cost for migrants of travelling long dis-tances and, on the other, the increasedflexibility required by sedentary birds if they areto tolerate a wider suite of environmental conditions within their permanent ranges.Given that sedentary populations in the southern Iberian Peninsula seem to be linked topopulations of migratory individuals of these two species that started to move north-wards after the last glacial cycle, the observed patterns suggest that migrant birds repre-sent a fraction of the southern population that is specialized in the exploitation of anarrower range of environmental conditions.
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