Global cooperation and innovation in the twenty first century: the strategic move of the Complutense Library
García García, Javier ;
Tardón, Eugenio
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
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Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = No publicado
Materia = Ciencias Sociales: Biblioteconomía y Documentación: Bibliotecas
Materia = Ciencias Sociales: Biblioteconomía y Documentación: Cooperacion bibliotecaria
Materia = Ciencias Sociales: Biblioteconomía y Documentación: Gestión de bibliotecas
Tipo = Artículo
Libraries must redefine their identity in the dynamic environment of the 21st century in order to persevere in their fundamental mission: to offer quality contrasted information and the best services adapted to the changing needs of its users. The strategy to do so is based on two tools that are co-implicated: library cooperation and innovation. Cooperation must be innovative and redefined for a global and networked world. It should promote the renewal of infrastructures, provide greater negotiating force in the acquisition of collections, encourage more open access to scientific production, optimize internal library work processes and qualitatively transform the services offered. Innovation requires a strong technological impulse and global cooperative service platforms self-managed by and for libraries, which is the only strategy to guarantee their survival. The Library of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), in the field of university libraries, has for years been committed to global cooperative projects that allow long-term preservation - through adhesion to HathiTrust - and the maximum dissemination of its collections - thanks to participation in Google Books-, as well as contribute to the construction of a global infrastructure of library services - through the progressive integration in OCLC and the adoption of WMS-, services that are sustainable and efficient and are in constant evolution for the benefit of society.
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