The author studies those Orlicz vector-valued function spaces that contain a copy or a complemented copy of l 1 . Precisely, given a finite complete measure space (S,?,?) , a Young function ? , and a Banach space E , let L ? (S,?,?,E) denote the vector space of all (classes of) strongly measurable functions f from S to E such that ??(k?f?)d? for some k>0 , and let L ? (?)=L ? (S,?,?,R) . The author first extends a result of G. Pisier concerning vector-valued L p function spaces by showing that if l 1 embeds in L ? (S,?,?,E) , then l 1 embeds either in L ? (?) or in E . This result, combined with a result of E. Saab and the reviewer concerning the embedding of l 1 as a complemented subspace of the Banach space of all E -valued continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space, is used to show that if in addition E is a Banach lattice, if ? satisfies the ? 2 -condition and if ? is nonpurely atomic, then L ? (S,?,?,E) contains a complemented copy of l 1 if and only if either L ? (?) or E contains a complemented copy of l 1