Climate change impacts on renewable energy generation and electricity demand
Solaun Martínez, Kepa
Tipo de documento:
texto impreso
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019-11-18
Nota general:
Palabras clave:
Estado = No publicado
Materia = Ciencias Sociales: Economía: Desarrollo económico
Tipo = Tesis
Climate change is atributed, among other factors, to greenhouse gas emissions produced by theenergy sector. At the same time, climate change is expected to affect this sector by changing the availability of resources, altering its enabling conditions and transforming demand patterns.This thesis addresses climate change impacts on renewable generation and electricity demand by providing an overview of the most relevant transformations projected in literature and by developing methodologies and quantitative analysis to as certain the specific infuence in three casestudies.The first chapter summarizes and analyzes the most relevant studies that project quantitative changes on renewable generation due to climate change. The second and third chapters focus on estimating climate change impacts in hydropower and wind generation in specific plants. Both provide physical and economic projections of expected changes, along with conclusions for the development of energy policies.The last chapter delves into how climate change may affect electricity demand due to projected increases in temperature in one region. The thesis ends with some concluding remarks and some insights for future research...
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