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Polish acad sciences inst mathematics |
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial (8)

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Biström, P. ; Jaramillo Aguado, Jesús Ángel ; Lindström, M. | Polish acad sciences inst mathematics | 1995This article deals with bounding sets in real Banach spaces E with respect to the functions in A(E), the algebra of real analytic functions on E, as well as to various subalgebras of A(E). These bounding sets are shown to be relatively weakly co[...]![]()
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A bimorphism is both an epimorphism and a monomorphism. If every bimorphism is an iso then the given category is said to be balanced. Such notions are studied in several contexts (pro-categories, pro-homotopy, shape, proper homotopy). The refere[...]![]()
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Jaramillo Aguado, Jesús Ángel ; Prieto Yerro, M. Ángeles ; Zalduendo, Ignacio | Polish acad sciences inst mathematics | 2009This paper is devoted to several questions concerning linearizations of function spaces. We first consider the relation between linearizations of a given space when it is viewed as a function space over different domains. Then we study the probl[...]![]()
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Fernández Laguna, Víctor ; Morón, Manuel A. ; Nhu, Nguyen Tho ; Rodríguez Sanjurjo, José Manuel | Polish acad sciences inst mathematics | 1993We define a metric d(S), called the shape metric, on the hyperspace 2X of all non-empty compact subsets of a metric space X. Using it we prove that a compactum X in the Hilbert cube is movable if and only if X is the limit of a sequence of polyh[...]![]()
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The paper deals with the question, what can be said about smooth negligibility of compacta in those Banach spaces with smooth partitions of unity? It is inspired by the following theorem of Victor Klee and related results: If X is a non-reflexiv[...]![]()
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We extend the shape index, introduced by Robbin and Salamon and Mrozek, to locally defined maps in metric spaces. We show that this index is additive. Thus our construction answers in the affirmative two questions posed by Mrozek in [12]. We als[...]![]()
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For compact metric spaces X , Y contained in a given compact AR Q , the authors consider the set A(X,Y) of all approximative maps (in the sense of K. Borsuk [same journal 62 (1968), 223–254]). On A(X,Y) they define a metric making A(X,Y) a c[...]![]()
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Morón, Manuel A. ; Sánchez Gabites, Jaime Jorge ; Rodríguez Sanjurjo, José Manuel | Polish acad sciences inst mathematics | 2007This article aims to explore the theory of unstable attractors with topological tools. A short topological analysis of the isolating blocks for unstable attractors with no external explosions leads quickly to sharp results about their shapes and[...]