Randomized trials addressing a similar question are commonly published after a trial stopped early for benefit
Murad, M. H. ;
Guyatt, G. H. ;
Domecq, J. P. ;
Vemooij, R. W. M. ;
Erwin, P. J. ;
Meerpohl, J. J. ;
Prutsky, G. J. ;
Akl, E. A. ;
Mueller, K. ;
Bassler, D. ;
Schandelmaier, S. ;
Walter, S. D. ;
Busse, J. W. ;
Kasenda, B. ;
Pagano, G. ;
Pardo-Hernandez, H. ;
Montori, V. M. ;
Wang, Z. ;
Briel, M.
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texto impreso
Elsevier, 2019-01-25T16:36:28Z
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Objective: We explored how investigators of ongoing or planned trials respond to the publication of a trial stopped early for benefit addressing a similar question. Study Design and Setting: We searched multiple databases from the date of publication of the truncated trial through August, 2015. Independent reviewers selected trials and extracted data. Results: We identified 207 trials truncated for early benefit; of which 102 (49%) were followed by subsequent trials (262 subsequent trials, median 2 per truncated trial, range 1-13). Only 99 (38%) provided a rationale justifying conducting a trial despite prior stopping. The top reasons were to address different population or setting (33%), skepticism of truncated trials findings because of small sample size (12%), inconsistency with other evidence (11%), or increased risk of bias (7%). We did not identify significant associations between subsequent trials and characteristics of truncated ones (risk of bias, precision, funding, or rigor of stopping decision). Conclusion: About half of the trials stopped early for benefit were followed by subsequent trials addressing a similar question. This suggests that future trialists may have been skeptic about the decision to stop prior trials. A more rigorous threshold for stopping early for benefit is needed. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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